Weekly News Update — September 13, 2024

September 16, 2024


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State employees gathered outside the Labor and Industries Building in Tumwater as part of a statewide walkout to demand fair wages and safe staffing levels. (Laurel Demkovich/Washington State Standard)

Thousands of Washington State employees take part in lunch hour walkout

The Washington Federation of State Employees encouraged the walkout of thousands of state workers this Tuesday, hoping to show their disapproval of the State’s current wage proposals for 2025-2027 contracts. As many faced financial troubles as a result of their current wages, State workers do not expect to “go quietly,” as one member put it, into the coming negotiations. Read more.

Washington State adopts measure on the voluntary use of PPE

A new rule put forth by Washington state now allows workers the option to use PPE that is not required, but helps them to feel safe. It is up to the employer to ensure that the equipment meets workplace health and safety standards, but they are not required to provide or maintain it. Read more.

Supreme Court Will Decide if Former Employees Can Sue Over Post-Employment Benefits

Clarifications may be made to the Americans with Disabilities Act as the US Supreme Court sees a case where an employee, who retired due to a disability, was denied post-employment benefits because of changes that were made to city policy after she was hired. This ruling will address discrepancies among appellate courts about whether ADA protections extend to former employees, and could impact how employers manage post-employment benefits in the future. Read more.

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